Study in Australia

Why Study in Australia from Nepal ?

Australia transcends its reputation as a mere student destination, emerging as a dynamic, technologically advanced nation. It provides a thriving educational and career landscape, attracting students worldwide with opportunities for growth and success.

Australia’s allure as a study destination for Nepalese Students stems from its exceptional education standards, high-quality lifestyle, and inclusive atmosphere. Drawing students globally, including those from Nepal, it offers top-tier educational opportunities sought by aspiring scholars.

Australia boasts a diverse array of courses across more than 1,100 institutions, including esteemed universities, offering an unparalleled educational milieu. Its curriculum spans various disciplines, from language studies to nursing and medicine, presenting international students with ample opportunities to pursue their academic aspirations.

most interesting facts about Australia ?

  • Australia Ranks As The World’s 13th-Largest Economy, Coupled With The Fifth-Highest Per Capita Income Globally.
  • Australia Is The Fourth-Happiest Country.Over 260 Languages Are Spoken In Australia.
  • Australian Universities Boast 8 Out Of The Top 100 Globally.
  • Australia Holds The 9th Position Globally In University System Rankings.
  • Australia Is The 3rd Most Popular Destination For International Students.
  • Australia Claims 5 Of The Top 40 Cities Worldwide With The Best Urban Infrastructure.
  • Melbourne Has Held The Title Of The World’s Most Liveable City For The Past Three Years.

Why should you study in Australia ?

  1. High-Quality Education

    Australian universities are esteemed for their exceptional education quality and academic standards, consistently positioning the country among top destinations for academic excellence, with a diverse array of courses available.

  2. Global Recognition

    Australian qualifications enjoy global recognition and esteem among employers and educational institutions worldwide. Graduates from Australian universities possess a competitive advantage in the global job market.

  3. Cultural Diversity

    Australia embraces multiculturalism, warmly welcoming students from diverse backgrounds worldwide. Studying in Australia offers an enriching experience of cultural diversity, fostering a global perspective.

  4. Research Opportunities

    Australian universities lead in cutting-edge research and innovation, providing students with access to premier facilities and opportunities to collaborate with top researchers in their chosen fields.

  5. Vibrant Lifestyle

    Australia is celebrated for its high standard of living, stunning landscapes, and lively cities. International students can relish a safe and inclusive environment, diverse recreational activities, and a vibrant social and cultural scene.

  6. Work Opportunities

    Australia offers diverse job opportunities for international students. With a strong economy across various sectors, students can find part-time work during studies. Post-study work visas enable graduates to gain valuable experience and potential permanent residency.

How do you apply for a student visa in Australia ?

Securing a student visa for Australia involves a thorough process. Firstly, acceptance into a recognized Australian educational institution is necessary, followed by obtaining a Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE) letter.

With this in hand, applicants create an account on the Department of Home Affairs website to submit their visa application online. The application demands various documents, including the CoE, evidence of financial capability, health insurance, and proof of English proficiency.

After application submission, applicants may need to undergo a health examination and potentially attend an interview at the Australian embassy or consulate, ensuring compliance with visa requirements and regulations.

What is the cost of studying in Australia?

Level of Study Average Annual Tuition Fees
Undergraduate $20,000 – $45,000
Postgraduate $22,000 – $50,000
Doctoral Degree $18,000 – $42,000
PhD $22,000 – $50,000

Top Universities in Australia

University World University Rank 2023 Australia Rank 2023
University Of Melbourne 34 1
Monash University 44 2
The University Of Queensland 53 3
University Of Sydney 54 4
Australian National University 64 5
UNSW Sydney 71 6
University Of Adelaide 88 7
The University Of Western Australia 131 8
University Of Technology Sydneyy 133 9
Macquarie University 175 10

Popular Course in Australia

  • Accounting
  • Architecture
  • Computer Science & IT
  • Psychology
  • Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Health & Medicine
  • The University Of Western Australia
  • Education
  • Social Work

Cost of Living in Australia

Expense Category Average Monthly Cost (in AUD)
Accommodation $800 – $1,500
Groceries $200 – $400
Eating Out $200 – $400
Public Transportation $100 – $200
Utilities $100 – $200
Internet And Mobile $50 – $100
Entertainment $100 – $200
Personal Care $50 – $100
Clothing $50 – $100

Health Insurance in Australia

In Australia, health insurance stands as a crucial necessity for international students, forming an integral part of their overall well-being. The Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) emerges as a tailored solution meticulously crafted to comprehensively address the diverse healthcare needs that students encounter while pursuing their education abroad. Here are some key points about health insurance in Australia:

  1. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

    International students studying in Australia are obligated to maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entirety of their stay. OSHC offers essential access to a diverse array of medical services, ensuring comprehensive coverage for medical treatments, hospital stays, prescription medications, and emergency services. This health insurance is crucial for safeguarding the well-being of international students, providing them with the necessary support and financial assistance in the event of unexpected health-related incidents.

  2. Coverage And Benefits

    Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) serves to alleviate the financial burden of medical expenses for international students in Australia. This insurance extends partial coverage for various medical costs, including pharmaceuticals and hospital services. It is important to note that the extent of coverage can differ based on the chosen insurance provider and the specific plan selected by the student. As such, international students must carefully review and understand the terms of their OSHC policy to ensure they are aware of the scope and limitations of their coverage.

  3. Duration Of Coverage

    Sustaining Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a mandatory requirement for the entire duration of your student visa in Australia. It is advised to procure OSHC prior to your arrival in the country to guarantee immediate protection from the moment you land. By securing OSHC in advance, you not only comply with visa regulations but also establish a safety net for your health-related needs right from the start of your stay. This proactive approach ensures that you have timely access to medical services and financial support, contributing to a smoother transition and a sense of security as you embark on your academic journey in Australia.

  4. Insurance Providers

    Australia has a range of approved insurance providers offering Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). When selecting a plan, students can choose an insurance provider that aligns with both their healthcare needs and budget constraints. It is advisable to carefully compare the coverage and costs of different providers to make an informed decision. This thoughtful approach ensures that students can tailor their OSHC to suit their individual preferences, promoting a balance between comprehensive health coverage and financial considerations throughout their stay in Australia.

  5. Extra Coverage

    Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) includes coverage for essential medical services; however, it might not extend to extras like dental, optical, or allied health services. If students wish to ensure coverage for these additional services, they have the option to purchase supplementary insurance or separate policies. This allows for a more tailored approach to healthcare, enabling students to address specific health needs beyond the basic medical services covered by OSHC. By considering these options, students can enhance their overall healthcare protection during their time in Australia, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized approach to their well-being.

What are the job opportunities like in Australia ?

Australia provides numerous job opportunities for international students, fostering valuable work experience and financial support during their studies :

  1. Work Right

    International students with a valid student visa are generally allowed to work part-time during their studies. They can work up to 48 hours per fortnight during the academic term and full-time during scheduled breaks.

  2. Job Search Support

    Australian universities and institutions often provide career services and job placement assistance to help students find employment opportunities. They offer resources, workshops, and guidance on resume writing, interview skills, and job search strategies.

  3. Availability Of Jobs

    Australia has a strong economy and a diverse range of industries, offering job opportunities in sectors such as hospitality, retail, administration, healthcare, and more. Major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth have a higher concentration of job opportunities.

  4. Post-Study Work Opportunities

    After graduation, international students may be eligible for the Post-Study Work Stream of the Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485), allowing them to work in Australia for a period of two to four years, depending on their level of study.

  5. Minimum Wage

    Australia has one of the highest minimum wages globally, providing students with fair remuneration for their work. The minimum wage varies based on age, but it is generally around AU$21.38 per hour.

frequently asked questions

What Is The Process For Applying To Study In Australia?

The application procedure for studying in Australia varies based on your chosen institution and program. Typically, you'll be required to submit an application to the institution, including necessary documents like transcripts and evidence of English language proficiency.

What Is The Cost Of Studying In Australia?
Can I Work While Studying In Australia?
Are There Scholarships Available For International Students In Australia?
What Are The Academic Requirements For Studying In Australia?
What Is The Process For Obtaining A Student Visa Extension?
Can Nepali Students Apply For Permanent Residency In Australia After Graduating ?